一件小事-An Incidnt,一件小事-An Incidnt范文一件小事-An Incidnt在我家附近的大道上,有一块低洼的地面,每当大雨过后,人们很难通过。一天,大雨刚停,我和几个调皮的小孩聚集在低洼地周围,观察行人是如何通过的。这时,走来一个老人,他无法通过那块低洼地,又不知该怎么做。我们却站在一边看笑话,没有人想去帮助他。过了一会儿,有两个少先队员走过来,把老大爷搀扶过了水坑。看见这一幕,我们都羞红了脸。Thr is a pic of low-lying land in th strt nar my hom. It is hard to pass aftr a havy rain. On day just aftr a rain, svral naughty kids and I gathrd around and watchd how popl passd by. Thn thr cam an old man. H couldn't pass and nithr did h know what to do. W just stood thr laughing. Aftr a whil, two mmbrs of th Young Pionr cam ovr and gav th old man a hand. On sing that, w all blushd with sham. 一件小事-An Incidnt
