下面是有关英语演讲比赛的消息,请据此用英语写一通知。(100词左右) 活 动 英语演讲比赛 ( nglish-spaking Contst ) 目 的 提高英语口语 组 织 者 学生会 参加范围 高中(snior) 学生 报名时间 5月25日以前 报名地点 学生会办公室 比赛时间 6月9日下午4:00 比赛地点 教学楼五楼礼堂 ( auditorium ) 评 讲 前五名优胜者获奖 W ar going to hav an nglish-spaking contst for snior studnts so as to improv our oral nglish. It will b hld in auditorium on th 5th floor in th taching building at 4:00pm. , Jun 9th. Thos who want to tak part in th contst ar supposd to com to sign up at th offic of th studnts’ Union bfor May 25th. All th snior studnts ar wlcom to join in th contst. Th first fiv winnrs will b givn prizs. Plas try your bst and gt rady in tim. Wish you succss! Th studnts’ Union
